Fun & Games

Adoptables, Stamps/Badges, and other lighthearted things! Flashing images, blinkies and gifs are all collected under a collapsible. All link back to the artist/source when clicked.


'Centaurus Festival 2024' in blue and purple text on a blue background 'Centaurus Festival 2025' in black text on a yellow background, with a centaurus constellation Text 'I <3 Border Collies' with a picture of a black and white border collie Pastel stamp with the text 'Lawful Good'. Stamp featuring Sasha Nein from Psychonauts stamp featuring art from Vinland Saga with the text 'I have no enemies'. Text 'I am a Pokemon Ranger' with a picture of a ranger Picture of Grass with the grass type pokemon icon 'Heart Grass Pokemon', with pixel icons of various grass types


rosy maple moth chinese moon moth

Gifs and Blinkies

Gif of multiple horn types reading horns gif of various paw and hoofprints against a green background a blue hydrangea in a can of pink lacriox a sloth head poking out from behind a lemon slice a sloth hugging a slice of watermelon