
The hub for all my analytical writing. All works here will be written in an academic style, though the topics may range from identity, to scientific research, to fandom close readings. Old essays originaly posted on other websites are in the Archive, to distiguish between current/updated vs. older takes. And creative writing such as original fiction and poetry can be found in the Writing tab. Reading time estimated using The Read-o-meter made by Tharique Azeez. Writings are by default ordered by date, in reverse chronological order (newest on top). One can use the search bar to filter by tags.

Works here are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Title Date Reading time Tags
On Mouse Worlds as a Hearthome 3/6/2024 5 Minutes Hearthome, Questioning
On Princes, Knights, and Independence 3/3/2024 3 minutes Archetrope, Disability, Paladin, Right Hand
My Mind is Sharp 3/3/2024 4 minutes Self-reflection, Neurodiversity